Math & Physics for pilots (Jelle Vanderhaeghe)
Math & Physics for pilots (Jelle Vanderhaeghe)
How to make the transition from High School to Professional Pilot Training?
“Math & Physics for pilots” is reference material developed specifically for this purpose. In this book, the author explains once again the essential mathematical and physical principles, usually already addressed in High School. However, a first transition is made from the relevant, but abstract principles, to aviation topics, that will be dealt with in the theoretical training, aimed at obtaining an initial European professional pilot license (CPL/IR/ME, or “Frozen ATPL”).
In accordance with the conditions stipulated in EASA PART-FCL (EU 1178/2011, the European Regulation that describes the requirements on “How to obtain a European pilot license?”), an ATO (European Approved Training Organization, or “Flight school”) should test all candidates for their knowledge of High School Mathematics, Physics and English, prior to allowing them to start complex and often very expensive professional pilot training. This book assists in passing these ATO theoretical entry exams successfully.
The content of the book furthermore creates a solid foundation in understanding “How Nature works”, which will help the student better understand the complex principles dealt with during professional pilot training and Type Ratings on complex aircraft (like the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320) afterwards. Finally it will assist the student for the rest of his/her career, in becoming a proficient and professional airline pilot, by offering clear insights in the complex matters, dealt with daily, throughout the exiting career as a professional pilot.
“An absolute must for all young people dreaming of one day being a successful professional pilot”
For experienced pilots this book may be a “breath of fresh air” in many principles, maybe not always fully understood, but often encountered in flight, while carrying passengers around the World.
The author is an engineer and an active professional pilot, as well as a theoretical knowledge instructor with years of experience in helping young people making the -rather difficult- transition from High School, to EASA APTL training. Over the years, he’s observed a lack in proper guidance material in this field, combined with an overall decline in the understanding of “Nature’s principles”, within the existing pilot community of today. He tried to bundle his experience and expertise in a clear and concise -but at times also entertaining- book, to assist young people, fascinated by aviation, in achieving the dream of becoming an airline pilot.
- Language : English
- Paperback : 300 pages
- ISBN-10 : 9082585707
- ISBN-13 : 978-9082585704
- Dimensions : 21 x 3 x 29.7 cm
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